lundi 23 janvier 2012

Hungary, Misunderstood?

"My Princeton colleague Kim Lane Scheppele has another post about Hungarian affairs, below the fold. Incidentally, she’s going to Budapest this coming week; she’ll be giving some public lectures and meeting with a number of people. Wish her luck.
Here’s her latest:

Hungary, Misunderstood?
Kim Lane Scheppele
On Tuesday, January 17, the European Commission launched an urgent “infringement procedure” against Hungary for violating EU treaties with its new laws. On Wednesday, January 18, Viktor Orbán dramatically appeared before the European Parliament to defend his country’s new constitutional order.
Orbán’s defense could have been guessed in advance from what Fidesz government officials have been saying for weeks as they fanned out around the world to explain why they rewrote the Hungarian constitution. They claim that they have been misunderstood. And they repeatedly say that their many foreign critics do not understand Hungary.
In this post, I will take up the most frequent arguments that the government has made in its own defense. And, as I will show, its explanations for the new constitutional order are not credible." La suite sur

Pontonként cáfolja a Fidesz magyarázatait az amerikai jogászprofesszor

"...Kim Lane Scheppele ugyancsak a Krugman-blogban írt december második felében arról, hogy „kevesebb mint 20 százalékos felhatalmazással a Fidesz most lerombolja Magyarország alkotmányos rendjét, és úgy tűnik, senki az országban nem tudja megállítani”. Ugyancsak decemberben, a adott interjúban fejtette ki a véleményét arról, hogy Magyarország szerinte már nem nyugati típusú állam, hanem egyre inkább pártállam.
Kim Lane Scheppele a kelet-európai alkotmányok egyik legismertebb szakértője az Egyesült Államokban, és régóta tanulmányozza már a magyar jogrendet."

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